
What's in this post?
We've introduced a feature that streamlines copying and pasting single or multiple objects between different storeys and projects, enhancing modeling efficiency. You can also copy imported files such as CAD, images, SketchUp or other 3D models and topography across projects.
Copy-paste unlocks additional possibilities while collaborating with your team. Team members can copy paste details between personal and team workspaces (but not across various teams, for security reasons). While shared templates enable a team to maintain standards, the copy-paste feature enables you to bring those standards into your project at any stage required.
Here are the specifics:
Copy-Paste within the Same Storey
1. To copy objects, select them using Ctrl + Select, marquee selection, or filter selection.
2. Use Ctrl + C to copy the objects. The properties panel on the right shows the count of the elements copied and pasted.
3. When pasting on the same storey, the feature ensures the pasted objects don't overlap with existing ones. The selection remains active for further actions.
Copy-Paste across Storeys
1. To paste objects on a different storey, navigate to that storey and use Ctrl + V for pasting.The properties panel on the right shows the count of the elements copied and pasted.
2. The paste is position-based, preserving X and Y coordinates.
3. The selection remains active for easy follow-up actions.
4. Copy-paste works in both 2D and 3D views. When copying elements belonging to different storeys, the vertical relationship is maintained while keeping X and Y coordinates consistent.
For example, slabs may belong to an upper storey, or a duplex unit may be copied, then the vertical relationship between the copied elements is maintained while the paste action is completed.
Copy-Paste across Projects
1. While copying across projects, the properties window on the right displays the number of objects selected and pasted.
2. A toast message at the bottom center indicates when the paste operation is in progress and when it's completed.
3. In 3D views, objects are pasted in the same storey in the new project, maintaining their original location (X, Y, and Z). If a user copies elements from Project 1 (Storey 3) to an empty project in 3D mode, they'll be pasted in Storey 3.
For example, The design of multistorey parking podiums in buildings is the same for different projects. Imagine you have two projects, Project 1 and Project 2. Instead of starting from scratch for Project 2, you can take parts of the design parking podiums from Project 1 and use them as a starting point. Then, you can make changes to fit the specific layout of Project 2's floors.
5. In 2D mode, objects are pasted at the active storey, ensuring the same location in the new project.
6. For example, copying elements from Project 1 (Storey 3) in 2D mode to Project 2 (Storey 6) pastes them in the same location in Storey 6.
For example, In Project 1, the user made a floor plan with special areas called refuge terraces. In Project 2, they need to create refuge terraces on floors 5, 8, and 11. Instead of starting from scratch in Project 2, they can just copy the refuge terraces from Project 1 and put them in different spots on Project 2.
**Note:** Multi-storey copy-paste maintains the same location in both projects, regardless of 2D or 3D views.